A busy day for Machina Research today. As well as some great coverage in the Financial Times for a study we did for the GSMA (more on that tomorrow) we also published a White Paper in conjuction with Jasper Wireless looking the best strategies that MNOs should pursue in order to succeed in M2M.
In particular the White Paper focused on the use of cloud platforms. Our key findings were that MNOs need to address M2M in a different way from usual connections if they want to make any profit and if they opt to use a cloud based management platform they can increase profit five-fold vs just supporting M2M through their old systems.
Rather than simply reproduce the whole of the White Paper or its associated press release I will instead direct you to the Machina Research website where you can download either of these.
In particular the White Paper focused on the use of cloud platforms. Our key findings were that MNOs need to address M2M in a different way from usual connections if they want to make any profit and if they opt to use a cloud based management platform they can increase profit five-fold vs just supporting M2M through their old systems.
Rather than simply reproduce the whole of the White Paper or its associated press release I will instead direct you to the Machina Research website where you can download either of these.